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Pozoruhodné IT produkty 2025
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Manuál Linux
[Linux manuál]

ttytype: koncového zařízení na výchozí mapování typu terminálu

Originální popis anglicky: ttytype - terminal device to default terminal type mapping


The /etc/ttytype file associates termcap/terminfo terminal type names with tty lines. Each line consists of a terminal type, followed by whitespace, followed by a tty name (a device name without the /dev/) prefix.
This association is used by the program tset(1) to set the environment variable TERM to the default terminal name for the user's current tty.
This facility was designed for a traditional time-sharing environment featuring character-cell terminals hardwired to a Unix minicomputer. It is little used on modern workstation and personal Unixes.


A typical /etc/ttytype is:
con80x25 tty1
vt320 ttys0


the tty definitions file.


getty(1), termcap(5), terminfo(5)
1993-07-24 Linux
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